So, I am not really sure what to write about. I am sitting here at work, bored out of my mind and decided to write a blog...well really, Jackie convinced me to write a blog. I tried to tell her that no one would read about my boring life...but she insisted that she would, and that she was sure there would be others. While I am not completely convinced she is correct, at least I now have something to do at work. :) So if for no other reason, this blog has served a purpose.
Lets see....something to write about....
Well, we got our first large snow of the winter yesterday and they are expecting more tomorrow. I love living in New England...I love being so close to the ocean in the summer, and feeling what winter really in in the winter. I think the part I am most excited about right now is the prospect of a truly white Christmas. There is just something about snow on the holidays...makes you want to hibernate a little. Stay in with the people you love, and enjoy being warm and cozy while you watch the snow fall around you. I am excited too for this brother will be coming to RI for the holiday! Seeing as he leaves for Afghanistan in March it will be great to get to spend some time with him. But the best part of all is probably my Birthday/Christmas gift from Matt. A plane ticket back to TN to spend time with my family. My papaw, who has been in radiation treatment for his cancer, will be there along with my grandmommy, and my Aunt Sheila. Oh, and of course my mom! I am sad I won't get to see most of my friends (April and Robin being the two biggest disappointments!) but I can't wait to see Jackie!!! It will be so nice to spend even just one night hanging out with you!
Alright...well I better get back to "work" if you can call it that. Don't worry, later posts will include pictures and all things more interesting than just my writing...but for now...take what you can get! ;)
Love you all, my loyal readers! (all two of you!)
Till then...